This Journal has grown out of a need to strengthen communication between people working within the Steiner Waldorf early childhood movement and in the wider community.
The name KINDLING was chosen for its multiple images: that of the German ‘Kind’ (the child); ‘Kindle’ to arouse, stimulate, kindle hope; ‘Kindling’ to light a fire, inflame and inspire.
The illustration is from a sculpture by Sister Dorothea, a Swiss nun.
The Journal is available as printed and PDF copies, and comes out twice a year. It is for anyone interested in Steiner Waldorf early Childhood (Birth to Seven). Each issue is themed, and very topical. It also includes articles, crafts, information, stories, songs, ring-times, book reviews and more.

“I hope that KINDLING Journal inspires you to nurture, care for and educate the young child in new and innovative ways and to reflect and to become creative in your own being. To do this will enable the children to become resilient, creative and proactive in the world.”

Janni Nicol, Editor